Easy Air® Oil Clear Blend

Regular price $54.00 Sale

Breathe easy with doTERRA Easy Air Easy Air can be applied topically to the chest, back or bottom of feet, or diffused at night time to help calm the senses...
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Breathe easy with doTERRA Easy Air

Easy Air can be applied topically to the chest, back or bottom of feet, or diffused at night time to help calm the senses before a restful night’s sleep

Primary Benefit | The Eucalyptus within doTERRA Easy Air may help with seasonal threats. Take a deep breath and inhale for feelings of relaxation and clearer breathing.

Secondary Benefit | The Laurel Leaf within doTERRA Easy Air may help to promote feelings of easy breathing.

Tertiary Benefit | doTERRA Easy Air contains relaxing Ravintsara which can be used in meditation for its relaxation properties. Its fresh and earthy scent may be used to prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

Aromatic Description

Minty, fresh, airy


  • Diffuse, inhale directly from palms, or rub on chest or feet when environmental threats are high.
  • Use when outdoors at times of seasonal threats.
  • Diffuse at bedtime for a restful environment.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.

Product Details

doTERRA Easy Air is a remarkable blend of essential oils including Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree. Ancient Greeks made headdresses of laurel leaves to crown winning sportsmen, warriors and scholars. The refreshing aroma of Easy Air helps promote feelings of clear and easy breathing. It can be applied topically, or diffused before a restful night’s sleep.


KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. NOT TO BE TAKEN. Possible skin sensitivity. If you are pregnant, nursing or under a doctor’s care consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. Avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying product. Application to skin may increase sensitivity to sunlight.
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